Author: Ligency Team

data science skills

Top Skills Every Ace Data Scientist Has

Every data scientist has got their own aptitudes and set of skills that are unique. It is no wonder that every professional has strong skills that >>

The Rise of Augmented Analytics

When AI Meets BI: The Rise of Augmented Analytics

Do you need more insights from your business data? You’ve seen how many businesses use Business Intelligence (BI) and it’s hard to ignore the buzz around >>

Python Error Types and Exceptions

Troubleshooting: The Ultimate Tutorial on Python Error Types and Exceptions

Errors and exceptions play a crucial role in a program’s workflow. Although Python errors and exceptions may sound similar, there are key differences >>

Business intelligence interview

Top 5 Business Intelligence Interview Tips

Did you know that the BI industry is set to grow 10% more over the next 5 years? What this means for you is simple: now >>

Web scraping Python and R

Web Scraping: Python vs. R Showdown

There is a good number of programming languages out there being used for web scraping. Python & R are among the most widely used languages in >>

artificial intelligence skills

How to Showcase Your Skills and Boost Career in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or more commonly called ‘AI’ has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. The concept of AI was actually coined in 1965 but >>

Hidden layer neural network

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Hidden Layer Neural Network

Machine learning is predicted to generate approximately $21 billion in revenue by 2024, which makes it a highly competitive business landscape for data >>

perceptron algorithm python

The Complete Guide to Perceptron Algorithm in Python

Artificial neural networks are highly used to solve problems in machine learning. The perceptron algorithm is the simplest form of artificial neural networks. >>