Author: Ligency Team

Visualization Apps

Top 10 Handy Visualization Apps for Business Analysts

We live in an era where data and information are very important. It is exactly this exposure to technology that led to the birth of many >>

how to learn R programming fast

7 Tips on How to Learn R in 2 Weeks

In this article, we are going to discuss an important topic for those who are willing to learn R language. R is quite a popular language >>

VR Data Visualization image

VR Data Visualization: What Business Analysts Should Learn Today

We all know that Data is becoming even more useful and important. But, just for one second, let us stop and imagine even how more important >>

Seaborn vs Matplotlib

Seaborn Vs Matplotlib: Python Visualization Tools Battle

Data is important but it cannot be meaningful or useful until it can be properly interpreted and clearly understood. If we must see the complete use >>

MBTI careers for data science

Best Data Science Careers for MBTI Personality Type

For the past several years, individuals and corporations alike have been using the Myers Briggs Indicator Test to determine personalities and what type of career is >>

Easiest and hardest programming language

The Big Reveal of the Easiest and Hardest Programming Languages

How hard is it to learn programming? If you are a beginner in the programming world, that is one of the most common questions that you >>

Python Graphviz Image

7 Mistakes to Avoid Using Graphviz Python Tool for Graphs Visualization

The kinds of tools that allow for graphical visualization have become an integral part of Python especially because these tools allow us to perform operations such >>

NumPy vs Pandas image

Pandas vs Numpy: The Decisive Guide

Python usage is continuously increasing. With wide applications in several areas including machine learning and scientific computations. And for this reason, >>