Author: Ligency Team

Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations – A free masterclass!

Calling all Data Scientists! Our latest masterclass ‘Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations Masterclass‘ is out and we’re giving you a >>

stochastic gradient descent vs gradient descent

Stochastic Gradient Descent Vs Gradient Descent: A Head-To-Head Comparison

As the benefits of machine learning are become more glaring to all, more and more people are jumping on board this fast-moving train. And one way >>

Data Visualization Techniques

5 Data Visualization Techniques that Will Make You a Visualization Ace

Proper data visualization techniques go beyond presenting facts. It is about building impactful reports in a way that communicates meaningful insights, or as >>

SQL Error Codes

Troubleshooting | SQL Error Codes: Pitfalls and Solutions

SQL or Structured Query Language is a programming language used in communicating with a database. Many database systems are based on SQL codes and we can >>

python financial analysis

7 Actionable Tips on How to Use Python to Become a Finance Guru

In today’s financial market, with all that is going on, you will agree with me that it is no longer enough to sit around being just >>

data science tools

Data Science Tools 2020: The Complete List

If you are passionate about data science, you will find an endless list of tools useful for different stages of a project cycle. But are all >>

machine learning marketing

5 Reasons You Should Use Machine Learning in Marketing

As almost all businesses, irrespective of industry, is becoming more and more competitive, it’s becoming more important to use more effective marketing. >>

data storytelling tips

Data Storytelling: Pro Tips and Hacks to Skyrocket Efficiency

In today’s world, data has become one of the most powerful resources ever known to the man. Although there are abundant amounts of data collected within >>